Travel & distances

Travel and distance information - available in:

Red Bull Romaniacs hard enduro rallye
July 23-27. 2024    Limitless    Edition 21 

Offroad race days - Travel and distances
Information will be provided on June 1 so that service crew vehicle logistics can be pre-event organised. Distances and the travel time needed to reach the daily Service points and back to the Competitor paddock in Sibiu will be provided.

Competitor start times
On Offroad days 1, 3 and 4 competitors will transit on their motorcycle from the Aria competitor paddock following the GPS track directly to the Offroad start locations.
- On Offroad day 3 competitors will transit from the Parc Fermé security park in Raminicu Valcea on their motorcycle following the GPS track directly to the Offroad day 3 start location.
Then the racing begins!
Offroad Finish
On Offroad days 1, 3 and 4 competitors will transit with their motorcycle from the Offroad finish back to the Competitor paddock.
- On Offroad day 2 competitors will transit with their motorcycle from the Offroad finish back to the Parc Fermé security park in Raminicu Valcea following Romaniacs direction signs.

Due to the Marathon Stage IT IS permitted to change tyres and mousses at the Offroad day 2 & Offroad day 3 Service Points, therefore, we are providing additional motorcycle servicing time at both Offroad day 2 & Offroad day 3 Service Points. 

Last minute and final details about the following offroad day race will ONLY be supplied at each daily Online event breifing..
The organisers daily event report and the podium winners of the day will be announced.

Daily Offroad Day track details will be sent (via email) to all Official event participants the afternoon BEFORE each Offroad day and will be displayed online.

Terms and Conditions
- Wear your Red Bull Romaniacs participation badge.
- Vehicles will be lined up before entering event locations, only accredited participants with badges will be allowed into these areas.
- Take special care when entering these locations, always follow the parking marshals instructions.
- Stay enviromentally friendly, take your rubbish with you, do not leave at Competitor paddock, Service points..

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