Note: If CheckPoint(s) are missing = the race class does not enter that CheckPoint. In the example here CP10 and CP11 is not used for this race class.
LIVE - Overall race progress. This example is Offroad day 2

Code explanations
Day1 Finish = Overall results(TTQ+Day1)
12 = Overall event Ranking
6h12m23s = Overall Total time
+42m34s = Overall Time difference from rank 1 competitor
OVERALL event race progress (the area shaded in grey) during Offroad day 2
Rank - displays Overall event rank at each CheckPoint.(CP)
Total time - At each Offroad day 3 CheckPoint. The ''Total time for day 1+the between checkpoints ride times" are added together providing a continuous total 'event ride time'. BUT: -
- IF a competitor receives a 'time penalty' or 'time bonus' then the "Total race time'' will be shown in the column ''TOTAL'' and a text explanation of the penalty or bonus time applied will be viewable.
Difference - shows 'OVERALL time difference" from the competitor ranked 1.
Offroad Day 2
Time - Start time, CP arrival times and SPout or LPout departure times.
Timebar - Competitors must reach the CheckPoint before the displayed time.
IF a timebar time is displaying RED and has a strike through line 12:05:58 then the competitor has arrived after the timebar time and now has status AB-(abandoned).
Ride time - The actual riding time between CheckPoints.
Difference - shows 'Offroad day 2' ride time difference. +0s (zero seconds) is the fastest between CheckPoints. If +2m30s this means was +2 minutes 30 seconds slower than fastest.
Rank for Offroad day 2 - the fastest competitor BETWEEN each CheckPoint
SP - Service Point
SPin - arrival time at the Service Point in
SPout - Service Point out departure time
LP - Liaision Point (between checkpoints)
LPin - arrival time at the Liaision Point in
LPout - Liaision Point out departure time